Friday, August 10, 2007

Tired- Old Sketchs

It's Friday night and besides watching Dog Whisperer I'm relaxing. I've decided to put up some old but fairly recent sketch's.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Character Sketch # 2- Soul Train

So I got busy again today drawing. This sketch is of a guy I knew at the bar I hung out at in college. He played great pool despite losing 2 middle fingers on his right hand. He went by the name " Soul Train". I never knew his real name. He was a street person but rarely asked for any money. He gave me an 8 x 10 of him once in a fancy suit standing in front of a Cadillac. I wonder what happened to him? I wish I would have talked to him more. He was a really nice guy.

Character Sketch # 1- Larry

I wanted to use this blog to post my new sketches. I haven't really painted in 3 years. I've been really frustrated about this, even having nightmares. So I've been researching creativity problems on the web and discovered I should just get back to basics for awhile. I'm starting this new series (cause if you know me I am always working in a series) of characters from my life. People that have left an impression on me. Some I have photos of, some I don't. Along with the sketches I am making notes about the important things I remember about them.

The first character is Larry. I met Larry in 1998 at a small coffee house in Saginaw, MI. He is a Buddhist ( a real Buddhist). He also goes by Kusala-Mula Upasaka. He struck me in many ways because of his caring nature, his smile, his love for the World. He was always seen wearing sweats and sandals, be it May or March. He did handwriting analysis as a hobby. There was always something a bit odd about him though. A sadness I saw. When I found out he was a Vietnam Vet it made more sense. A Buddhist that had to go to War, that is really a crime.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Blogging away

I have decided to start a blog so that it might inspire me to write, sketch and reflect more. Also, it will allow me to share with other free thinkers.